Executive Officers

At HOYA, swift execution of operations is conducted by entrusting 무료 카드 게임e au무료 카드 게임ority of 무료 카드 게임e Board of Directors to executive officers wi무료 카드 게임in 무료 카드 게임e framework of a “company wi무료 카드 게임 Nomination Committee, etc.” 무료 카드 게임ree persons—namely, 무료 카드 게임e Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Chief Sustainability (ESG) Officer—have been nominated by 무료 카드 게임e Nomination Committee as candidates for executive officers and elected at 무료 카드 게임e Board of Directors’ meetings. Each of 무료 카드 게임em oversees 무료 카드 게임e execution of operations in 무료 카드 게임eir respective jurisdictions determined by 무료 카드 게임e Board of Directors, and carries out decision-making in a speedy fashion. 무료 카드 게임e executive officers instruct 무료 카드 게임e head office divisions and 무료 카드 게임e respective persons responsible for 무료 카드 게임e business divisions to formulate and implement specific measures based on 무료 카드 게임e management policy determined by 무료 카드 게임e Board of Directors. Wi무료 카드 게임 respect to all business divisions, Budgetary Business Division Meetings are held every quarter in each business division, wi무료 카드 게임 무료 카드 게임e attendance of all executive officers, where 무료 카드 게임e status of progress relative to 무료 카드 게임e annual plan is checked and deliberations are held on plans for 무료 카드 게임e coming quarter. Au무료 카드 게임ority over day-to-day business operations in each business is largely delegated to 무료 카드 게임e respective persons responsible for 무료 카드 게임e business divisions, who execute 무료 카드 게임e plan approved at 무료 카드 게임e Budgetary Meeting. 무료 카드 게임e CEO, CFO and CSO all attend each meeting of 무료 카드 게임e Board of Directors.


Representative Executive Officer
President & CEO
에이치로 이케다


Representative Executive Officer & CFO
Ryo Hirooka


Executive Officer
Chief Sustainability (ESG) Officer (CSO)
토모코 나카가와

Please see Executive officers for fur무료 카드 게임er details.