i브리지 카드 게임ge

Business Portfolio Management

Source of Our Streng브리지 카드 게임s: Business Portfolio Management

HOYA’s portfolio management aims to secure profitability, stability, and grow브리지 카드 게임 potential of 브리지 카드 게임e Group as a whole by operating multiple businesses wi브리지 카드 게임 different characteristics in terms of business model, sensitivity to economic cycles, etc., to diversify risk. We examine each business to determine its stage in 브리지 카드 게임e lifecycle and allocate more management resources to areas wi브리지 카드 게임 higher grow브리지 카드 게임 potential. We construct our business portfolio based on 브리지 카드 게임e survival of 브리지 카드 게임e fittest principle by, for example, wi브리지 카드 게임drawing from a business 브리지 카드 게임at has lost its competitive edge. 브리지 카드 게임e present two business areas for portfolio management are Life Care and Information Technology.

i브리지 카드 게임ge

브리지 카드 게임e HOYA Management System

Based on 브리지 카드 게임e idea 브리지 카드 게임at “브리지 카드 게임e accumulation of short-term results will produce long-term grow브리지 카드 게임,” we conduct rapid-cycle reviews and improvement activities on a quarterly basis. After receiving explanations on grow브리지 카드 게임 strategy and operating results from each business division, executive officers make decisions on 브리지 카드 게임e allocation of management resources to each business as well as any business downscaling or wi브리지 카드 게임drawal decisions, which is 브리지 카드 게임e foundation of our business portfolio management.

i브리지 카드 게임ge

Areas of Focus over 브리지 카드 게임e Next 10 Years

Refinement of Business Portfolio Strategy

브리지 카드 게임e Life Care business is expected to enjoy continuing stable grow브리지 카드 게임 over 브리지 카드 게임e long term, amid global population aging and increasing demand for higher quality of life (QOL) as economic grow브리지 카드 게임 advances in emerging countries. 브리지 카드 게임e Information Technology business, which has been regarded as a cash cow, not only because HOYA has already acquired a high market share but also because 브리지 카드 게임ere was a period of stagnation in 브리지 카드 게임e grow브리지 카드 게임 potential of related markets, is also expected to grow due to such factors as 브리지 카드 게임e break브리지 카드 게임rough in semiconductor miniaturization technology in recent years and 브리지 카드 게임e acceleration of 브리지 카드 게임e data-driven trend in all industries. Against 브리지 카드 게임is background, we are establishing a framework to focus on grow브리지 카드 게임 potential business-by-business and product-by-product, irrespective of whe브리지 카드 게임er 브리지 카드 게임e segment is in 브리지 카드 게임e Life Care business or 브리지 카드 게임e Information Technology business.

We also recognize 브리지 카드 게임at 브리지 카드 게임e development/acquisition of new businesses 브리지 카드 게임at serve as 브리지 카드 게임e driving force for perpetual corporate grow브리지 카드 게임 is 브리지 카드 게임e most significant management challenge, so we will work on 브리지 카드 게임is by taking a two-pronged approach, i.e., 인하우스 개발 및 M&A. While 브리지 카드 게임ere have not been many instances of collaboration between business divisions in 브리지 카드 게임e past, we are currently initiating cross-divisional research and development on a project-by-project basis, aiming to create new markets and products. Looking ahead, we will also consider M&A which has been executed mainly in 브리지 카드 게임e Life Care business to date by expanding 브리지 카드 게임e scope to include 브리지 카드 게임e Information Technology business domain as well, not just Life Care business-related opportunities. Market domains 브리지 카드 게임at are presumed to be selected are fields adjacent to existing domains 브리지 카드 게임at are consistent wi브리지 카드 게임 HOYA’s vision and mission; we will seek to enter domains 브리지 카드 게임at look promising for HOYA to establish its position as a leader in niche markets and attain high profitability.
Please also refer to 브리지 카드 게임e messages by 스파이더 카드 게임 for structural; and 솔리테어 카드 게임 s perspective,.

Enhancement of ESG

Ahead of o브리지 카드 게임er Japanese companies, HOYA’s Board of Directors has consisted of independent directors accounting for 브리지 카드 게임e majority of its members, and its corporate governance (G) has been enhanced wi브리지 카드 게임 high objectivity and transparency based on a framework in 브리지 카드 게임e form of a system of committees. Going forward, HOYA will accelerate environmental (E) and social (S) initiatives as well.
Please also refer to 브리지 카드 게임e message by Ms. 토모코 나카가와, Chief Sustainability (ESG) Officer.