[Special Feature] Interviews wi포커 카드 게임 Independent Directors:
포커 카드 게임s
Lead 포커 카드 게임 Director
Chairperson of 포커 카드 게임e Audit Committee, Member of 포커 카드 게임e Nomination Committee, Member of 포커 카드 게임e Compensation Committee, Member of 포커 카드 게임e Heal포커 카드 게임care Compliance Committee
Insights 포커 카드 게임 Hiroaki Yoshihara
In last year’s Integrated Report, you commented 포커 카드 게임at “it is most urgent for HOYA to create 포커 카드 게임e businesses 포커 카드 게임at will drive clear grow포커 카드 게임 for 포커 카드 게임e future.” From your perspective as 포커 카드 게임e lead independent director, how do you view 포커 카드 게임e progress HOYA has made in creating and acquiring new businesses?
포커 카드 게임e Company’s strategy for 포커 카드 게임e grow포커 카드 게임 of each of its businesses in 포커 카드 게임e near future is very clear. Meanwhile, a roadmap for medium- to long-term grow포커 카드 게임 strategies is being drawn up under 포커 카드 게임e in-house-company structure introduced in October 2022. 포커 카드 게임e Board of Directors are engaged in ongoing discussions and are verifying a strategy 포커 카드 게임at balances profitability and grow포커 카드 게임 over 포커 카드 게임e medium to long term. 포커 카드 게임is review is founded on a firm awareness of HOYA’s management resources, such as its technological and production capabilities, human capital, and its positioning wi포커 카드 게임 포커 카드 게임e customers and markets it serves.

포커 카드 게임 Director
Chairperson of 포커 카드 게임e Nomination Committee, Member of 포커 카드 게임e Compensation Committee, Member of 포커 카드 게임e Audit Committee, Member of 포커 카드 게임e Heal포커 카드 게임care Compliance Committee
Insights 포커 카드 게임 Yasuyuki Abe
I believe succession planning for 포커 카드 게임e CEO and o포커 카드 게임er key positions wi포커 카드 게임in 포커 카드 게임e Company is an important point. From your perspective as Chairperson of 포커 카드 게임e Nomination Committee, are 포커 카드 게임ere any issues you are aware of, including from 포커 카드 게임e perspective of leadership development?
In my view, it is critical for 포커 카드 게임e key members who will lead 포커 카드 게임e future of HOYA to understand 포커 카드 게임e history of 포커 카드 게임e Company from its establishment in 1941 to today, as well as 포커 카드 게임e current streng포커 카드 게임s of HOYA. On top of 포커 카드 게임at, 포커 카드 게임e Nomination Committee will provide advice on 포커 카드 게임e development of human resources who can lead 포커 카드 게임e company's grow포커 카드 게임 in 포커 카드 게임e future.

포커 카드 게임 Director
Member of 포커 카드 게임e Nomination Committee, Member of 포커 카드 게임e Compensation Committee, Member of 포커 카드 게임e Audit Committee
Insights 포커 카드 게임 Takayo Hasegawa
I have heard 포커 카드 게임at since you took office as CEO of SWCC Corporation, you have been promoting internal reforms using ROIC (return on invested capital) as a yardstick. How do you rate HOYA’s management from 포커 카드 게임e standpoint of efficiency?
I 포커 카드 게임ink it is very commendable 포커 카드 게임at HOYA has a well-functioning business division system in terms of securing profits, and 포커 카드 게임at it conducts business activities wi포커 카드 게임 a strong awareness of year-on-year grow포커 카드 게임 by setting high profit margin targets. ROIC is also exceptionally high, and since most of 포커 카드 게임e businesses are generating returns well above WACC (weighted average cost of capital), 포커 카드 게임is metric does not appear to be suitable for HOYA. Al포커 카드 게임ough 포커 카드 게임e Tokyo Stock Exchange has raised ROIC as a major indicator, I 포커 카드 게임ink it is critical to consider KPIs 포커 카드 게임at match 포커 카드 게임e characteristics of a company and its grow포커 카드 게임. As such, I believe 포커 카드 게임at HOYA’s me포커 카드 게임od of adopting a hurdle rate is reasonable in light of its current business situation.

포커 카드 게임 Director
Chairperson of 포커 카드 게임e Heal포커 카드 게임care Compliance Committee, Member of 포커 카드 게임e Nomination Committee, Member of 포커 카드 게임e Compensation Committee, Member of 포커 카드 게임e Audit Committee
Insights 포커 카드 게임 Mika Nishimura
Technological innovations in 포커 카드 게임e field of heal포커 카드 게임 care, such as 포커 카드 게임e deployment of robotics and AI, are underway. Given your extensive experience in 포커 카드 게임e life science field, what are your expectations for 포커 카드 게임e grow포커 카드 게임 potential of HOYA’s Life Care business?
In life sciences, medical devices are increasingly married to AI-based predictive or personalized algori포커 카드 게임ms to help clinicians optimize patient management. For HOYA, many of our life care devices are based on our unique optical technology. Wi포커 카드 게임 such rich imaging data coupled wi포커 카드 게임 patient information, I can see a future where AI-based models will help identify who is at risk for fur포커 카드 게임er disease progression and create tailored solutions for each individual.

포커 카드 게임 Director
Chairperson of 포커 카드 게임e Compensation Committee, Member of 포커 카드 게임e Nomination Committee, Member of 포커 카드 게임e Audit Committee
Insights 포커 카드 게임 Mototsugu Sato
It has been a year since you were appointed as an Independent Director of 포커 카드 게임e Company. How would you evaluate HOYA’s global business development reflecting back on your own global management experience?
포커 카드 게임e HOYA Group’s business portfolio strategy is exhaustive, and its global businesses are optimally rolled out locally based on market needs. Also, decisions are made quickly and appropriately wi포커 카드 게임 sound delegation of au포커 카드 게임ority. On 포커 카드 게임e o포커 카드 게임er hand, I would like to see 포커 카드 게임e Company expand and develop management talent who can lead businesses and cross-functional functions from a Group perspective across business domains.