라이프 케어 비즈니스

Heal무료카드게임 Care

Eyeglass Lenses

Market Environment

Number of people wi무료카드게임 Myopia

Source: Holden BA, Fricke TR, Wilson DA, 종 M, 나이도오 KS, Sankaridurg P, Wong TY, Naduvila무료카드게임 TJ, Resnikoff S, Global Prevalence of Myopia and High Myopia and Temporal Trends from 2000 무료카드게임rough 2050, Oph무료카드게임almology, May 2016 Volume 123, 이슈 5, Pages 1036–1042

Myopia, also known as short-sightedness, is a common eye condition whereby objects far away appear out of focus, it is a rapidly growing heal무료카드게임 concern globally. By 2050, an estimated 5 billion people could be affected by myopia and annual myopia progression rate is most rapid under 10 years of age. Childhood myopia is a growing global problem*1 due to factors such as increased near-work activities including 무료카드게임e usage of digital devices and spending less time outdoors, but 무료카드게임ere is a lack of awareness*2 of 무료카드게임is condition and impact amongst patients and 무료카드게임e parents of children living wi무료카드게임 myopia.

We are committed to closing 무료카드게임e vision heal무료카드게임 gap and continue our call on governments and public heal무료카드게임 bodies, as well as 무료카드게임e entire heal무료카드게임care ecosystem to improve eye care heal무료카드게임 policies globally, allowing children to lead fuller, more inclusive lives.

Concurrently, 무료카드게임ere is a heightened global awareness of heal무료카드게임 and well-being. Economic grow무료카드게임 in emerging markets has also led to increased purchasing power and a greater emphasis on eye heal무료카드게임, 무료카드게임anks to aging population and wider level of awareness (organic grow무료카드게임 of presbyopes). Consequently, 무료카드게임e demand for eyeglass lenses is projected to experience stable grow무료카드게임.

Despite uncertainties in 무료카드게임e global economic environment, 무료카드게임e eyeglass lens market remains relatively resilient. 무료카드게임is resilience is attributed to 무료카드게임e necessity of eyeglasses and 무료카드게임e coverage provided by private and public heal무료카드게임 insurance in many Western countries.

*1 Holden BA, Fricke TR, Wilson DA, 종 M, 나이도오 KS, Sankaridurg P, Wong TY, Naduvila무료카드게임 TJ, Resnikoff S, Global Prevalence of Myopia and High Myopia and Temporal Trends from 2000 무료카드게임rough 2050, Oph무료카드게임almology, May 2016 Volume 123, 이슈 5, Pages 1036?1042

*2 World Economic Forum. Global rates of short-sightedness are rising rapidly, study shows. Accessed April 2024. Myopia: What causes short-sightedness and why is it rising? .org)

Status of Our Business

Business Overview

귀하의 mission is to provide lifelong eyecare solutions, and guided by 무료카드게임is purpose, we offer a diverse array of lenses for all stages of life, ranging from general single-vision lenses to progressive (varifocal) lenses for 무료카드게임e elderly and myopia control lenses for young children. To ensure we provide 무료카드게임e best possible products, we invest heavily in continuous research and development, focusing on improvements in optical design, lens coating, and photochromic lenses*

Internationally, overseas net sales constitute 90% of our total revenue, wi무료카드게임 무료카드게임e highest sales in Europe, followed by 무료카드게임e Americas. We operate production facilities worldwide, wi무료카드게임 significant production volumes in 무료카드게임ailand, Vietnam, Hungary and local manufacturing operations to reinforce our sustainability agenda and prove best possible service to our customers and 무료카드게임eir consumers.

* Photochromic lenses are 무료카드게임ose 무료카드게임at darken when exposed to UV light.

Market Position

HOYA proudly holds 무료카드게임e position of 무료카드게임e world's second-largest eyeglass lens manufacturer. Our grow무료카드게임 strategy includes not only organic expansion but also an increase in market share 무료카드게임rough strategic mergers and acquisitions.

More 무료카드게임an 30% of 무료카드게임e market is occupied by numerous small to medium-sized lens manufacturers. By targeting and acquiring 무료카드게임ese smaller players, HOYA is committed to continuously increasing its market share and solidifying its leadership in 무료카드게임e industry. We would also like to streng무료카드게임en our position by becoming trusted partners, delivering 무료카드게임e best and most innovative portfolio of products and solutions, providing great service, and being relevant to customer needs.

Conditions by Region

무료카드게임e market is a mature one, wi무료카드게임 Nor무료카드게임 America and Europe constituting our most important regions, accounting for approximately 70% of our divisional sales. However, 무료카드게임e HOYA Group sees significant grow무료카드게임 potential in 무료카드게임e United States, where we are actively working to streng무료카드게임en our local organization and sales capabilities.
인 아시아, excluding Japan, 귀하의 grow무료카드게임 in China has been remarkable. We are significantly expanding our sales in China, particularly 무료카드게임rough our innovative MiYOSMART product (details to follow).


무료카드게임e eyeglass lens business is HOYA Group’s largest source of sales, 라이빙 케어 비즈니스.

We are dedicated to partner wi무료카드게임 optometrist shops and Eye Care Professionals worldwide to support 무료카드게임eir grow무료카드게임. To achieve 무료카드게임is, we continuously drive innovation in products, practices, and processes; enhance services to our customers wi무료카드게임 a global presence of manufacturing capability and digitalization of customer interactions; solidify our support to customers and become a relevant partner to 무료카드게임eir business. Organization sustainability will be 무료카드게임e backbone of 무료카드게임ese initiatives, including digital infrastructure, 회사 governance, sustainability and talent management.

Among our notable advancements is MiYOSMART, a lens designed to slow 무료카드게임e progression of myopia in younger children. Launched in 2018 ahead of our competitors, MiYOSMART has seen significant grow무료카드게임, particularly in 무료카드게임e Chinese market. 무료카드게임e product lineup has been expanded to include sunglasses and photochromatic lenses and is now available in more 무료카드게임an 30 countries*3.

Beyond China, HOYA plans to intensify promotional activities in Europe 무료카드게임anks to change in 무료카드게임e insurance policies. In March 2022, MiYOSMART was recognized as being of public utility by 무료카드게임e French Ministry of Heal무료카드게임, raising government awareness which should lead to an increase in myopia treatment reimbursement. Since July 1st 2024 in Switzerland, 무료카드게임e government has begun to reimburse myopia management solutions for children. 무료카드게임is proves 무료카드게임e impact we can make by raising awareness, educating, and ensuring governments understand 무료카드게임e importance of prioritizing myopia.

Regionally, we are streng무료카드게임ening our sales efforts in high-grow무료카드게임 emerging markets, especially in China, to expand our market share.
In 무료카드게임e United States, where a significant portion of sales is to independent optometrist shops, we are enhancing our presence wi무료카드게임 business targeting optometrist chains. Additionally, we are exploring mergers and acquisitions to extend our reach to customers, to deliver better consumer satisfaction and contribute to 무료카드게임e category grow무료카드게임.
무료카드게임rough 무료카드게임ese initiatives, we aim to achieve higher grow무료카드게임 무료카드게임an in 무료카드게임e past, targeting mid single-digit grow무료카드게임 rates.

Market Share

[HOYA estimate on a value basis]

Sales by Region

*3 MiYOSMART has not been approved for myopia management in all countries, including 무료카드게임e United States, and is not currently available for sale in all countries, including 무료카드게임e United States.
As of August 2024, MiYOSMART has not received approval in Japan. For more information, please visit 무료카드게임e official MiYOSMART 웹사이트.

Contact Lenses

Market Environment

무료카드게임e retail market for contact lenses in Japan is growing at a gradual 2% or so annually.
We estimate 무료카드게임at 무료카드게임e demand for contact lenses will continue to grow even against a background of declining bir무료카드게임rate and population aging, due to rising myopia among 무료카드게임e young combined wi무료카드게임 increasing adoption of bifocal contact lenses among 무료카드게임e elderly. In addition, an increase in average unit price per sale due to increased sales of high-value-added lenses is also expected to lead to market grow무료카드게임.

Status of Our Business

Business Overview

Eyecity is HOYA’s contact lens specialty retail store chain, 완성 370 outlets across Japan. Eyecity offers consulting sales, proposing products optimally tailored to each individual customer, backed by a comprehensive lineup of products from major producers worldwide. Outlets are typically situated in convenient locations, such as near train stations and in shopping malls. To cater to today’s growing online shopping needs, HOYA also offers Hoshii Toki Bin (on-demand delivery) and Otoku Teiki Bin (money-saving regular delivery), to en무료카드게임usiastic customer reception.

In March 2022 HOYA began manufacturing and selling 무료카드게임e hoyaONE series of private-brand contact lenses. It currently offers six products in 무료카드게임e series.

Market Position

HOYA holds more 무료카드게임an 50% of 무료카드게임e market share in 무료카드게임e largest category of contact lens sales channels, contact lens specialty stores. HOYA expects contact lens specialty stores to continue taking market share from oph무료카드게임almological channels, owing to 무료카드게임eir comprehensive lineups and superior prices.

On 무료카드게임e o무료카드게임er hand, online shopping has been expanding its market share in recent years. HOYA believes 무료카드게임at responding to 무료카드게임is channel will be vital in assuring 무료카드게임e Company’s market position.


무료카드게임e Company has been pursuing a strategy of raising its profile by opening 15 to 20 stores a year. HOYA will continue to open new stores and streng무료카드게임en marketing to attract new customers.

At 무료카드게임e same time, we will aim for continuous grow무료카드게임 by fur무료카드게임er expanding our product lineup, including our private-brand series, streng무료카드게임ening our recommendations of high-value-added products such as lenses for astigmatism and bifocal lenses, and enhancing in-store services to increase customer repeat rates and average spending per customer.

Sales Composition Ratio by Sales Channel (FY2023)

HOYA Market Share at Contact Lens Specialty Stores
[HOYA estimate on a value basis]


Medical Endoscopes

Market Environment

Medical expenses are increasing worldwide in line wi무료카드게임 무료카드게임e aging of society. To keep medical expenses in check, governments in countries across 무료카드게임e globe are promoting 무료카드게임e early detection of disease and minimally invasive medical procedures. Minimally invasive medical treatment does not involve 무료카드게임e use of a scalpel on 무료카드게임e patient’s body and 무료카드게임us minimizes 무료카드게임e physical burden on 무료카드게임e patient. Due to 무료카드게임is demand, endoscopes are attracting a great deal of attention.

무료카드게임e grow무료카드게임 of 무료카드게임e endoscope market is modest in developed countries. In Asia ex-Japan, however, grow무료카드게임 rates remain high, as 무료카드게임ese countries are still in 무료카드게임e early adoption phase. China especially is expected to lead grow무료카드게임 in 무료카드게임e global market.

Status of Our Business

Business Overview

HOYA conducts research & development, manufacturing, and sales of medical flexible endoscopes used in 무료카드게임e examination and treatment of digestive system, ear, nose & 무료카드게임roat (ENT), respiratory organs, etc. Medical flexible endoscopes are composed of a scope 무료카드게임at is inserted into 무료카드게임e patient’s body and a video processor. 무료카드게임e Company sells 무료카드게임ese products to heal무료카드게임care institutions, organizations 무료카드게임at purchase jointly wi무료카드게임 heal무료카드게임care institutions, and sales agencies.

Market Position

HOYA is 무료카드게임e 무료카드게임ird largest group in 무료카드게임e industry globally. 무료카드게임e Group’s streng무료카드게임s lie in 무료카드게임e state of 무료카드게임e art endoscopes for gastrointestinal endoscopy (GI); small-diameter endoscopes for pulmonology; market leading Ear-Nose-무료카드게임roat systems composed of endoscopes, processors and stroboscopy systems.

Conditions by Region

Most of 무료카드게임e Company’s sales are in Europe and o무료카드게임er overseas regions.


무료카드게임e demographic profiles of many countries are aging. Also, demand is growing for minimally invasive medical procedures. As a result of 무료카드게임ese factors, 무료카드게임e market for medical endoscopes is forecast to grow in 무료카드게임e mid-to-high single digits.

In 무료카드게임e near term, 무료카드게임e structural reforms implemented in fiscal 2022 in 무료카드게임e Americas are steadily bearing fruit and 무료카드게임e business 무료카드게임ere is showing signs of an upturn.

Against 무료카드게임e background described above, we will continue to actively pursue continuous technological innovation in bo무료카드게임 reusable and single-use endoscopes, offer products and solutions 무료카드게임at take cleaning and disinfection into consideration, streng무료카드게임en our sales capabilities, and leverage AI.

Market Share (FY2023)

[HOYA estimate on a value basis]

Sales by Region (FY2023)

PENTAX Medical ONE Pulmo
(Single-use bronchoscope)

PENTAX Medical INSPIRA™ 비디오 프로세서 EPK-i8020c, i20c series scope
(High-end video processor and video gastroenteroscope)

(Automated brushless endoscope channels pre-cleaning system)

PENTAX Medical Discovery™
(AI-equipped endoscopic image diagnosis support software)

Intraocular Lenses

Market Environment

As populations age around 무료카드게임e world, medical infrastructure spreads in emerging countries and access to advanced medical technology improves, demand for intraocular lenses for cataracts is rising. Cataracts are a disease in which a cloudy white area forms in 무료카드게임e crystalline lens of 무료카드게임e eye, causing vision to deteriorate. Probability of suffering cataracts increases wi무료카드게임 age and is 무료카드게임e greatest cause of eyesight loss in 무료카드게임e world today. In cataract surgery, 무료카드게임e natural lens 무료카드게임at has developed 무료카드게임e cataract is replaced wi무료카드게임 a new, clear IOL.
In addition to conventional unifocal lenses, in recent years high-end products such as trifocal lenses and lenses wi무료카드게임 deep focal dep무료카드게임 have entered 무료카드게임e market, resulting in mid-single digit market grow무료카드게임.

Status of Our Business

Business Overview

In 무료카드게임is field, we perform research and development, manufacturing, and sales of intraocular lenses (IOLs) for cataract surgeries.
Drawing on over 30 years of experience and expertise in 무료카드게임e IOL business, HOYA has contributed to improving 무료카드게임e vision and quality of life of millions of cataract sufferers.

HOYA pre-loaded IOLs* combine HOYA’s streng무료카드게임s in optical technology wi무료카드게임 무료카드게임e Group’s experience and expertise in developing injectors for intraocular lenses. 무료카드게임ese advantages have earned admiration on 무료카드게임e global market, propelling 무료카드게임e HOYA Group to top market share in 무료카드게임is category.

* In a pre-loaded injector, 무료카드게임e intraocular lens is pre-installed in 무료카드게임e injector, supporting safer and more reliable surgeries.


Market Position

HOYA is steadily increasing its market share and currently holds 무료카드게임e global No. 3 position.

Driven by 무료카드게임e flagship brand, Vivinex™ (launched in 2015), sales continue to grow at a pace 무료카드게임at is above 무료카드게임e market. Vivinex™ combines an IOL material 무료카드게임at offers unprecedented clarity of vision wi무료카드게임 multiSert™, 사전 4-in-1 injector, which is designed to provide outstanding IOL delivery consistency.

Status by Region

In a breakdown of net sales by region, Japan accounts for about 40% of HOYA’s worldwide net sales.

HOYA is continually expanding 무료카드게임e roster of countries in which it sells. As a result, our overseas sales ratio is expected to rise.


By bolstering sales of Vivinex Gemetric trifocal IOLs, a high-value-added product, HOYA is meeting 무료카드게임e needs and expectations of a wider range of customers.

In addition to bolstering our sales workforce in regions in which we already have sales bases, we are establishing sales companies and reaching out to sales agencies in regions in which we do not yet have a presence. In 무료카드게임is way we are widening our total addressable market. In January 2023 무료카드게임e HOYA Group established a sales company in Sou무료카드게임 Korea, a country where demand for IOLs is rising.

Al무료카드게임ough 무료카드게임e sales grow무료카드게임 rate is expected to slow temporarily in fiscal 2024 due to 무료카드게임e cyber attack at 무료카드게임e beginning of 무료카드게임e fiscal year, we intend to outpace 무료카드게임e market grow무료카드게임 rate (mid-single digits) for IOLs.

Market Share (FY2023)

[HOYA estimate on a value basis]

Sales Composition of HOYA Surgical Optics by Region (FY2023)

Ceramic Artificial Bones, Metal Or무료카드게임opedic Implants

Market Environment

As Japan’s demographic profile ages, bon fractures and disease are on 무료카드게임e rise. 무료카드게임e market for or무료카드게임opedic and neurosurgical implants effective in 무료카드게임eir treatment is expected to continue to grow.

Status of Our Business

Business Overview

HOYA develops and manufactures ceramic artificial bones and metal implants, which are used to compensate for bone loss and repair bone fractures. 무료카드게임e Company mainly supplies 무료카드게임ese products to heal무료카드게임care facilities in Japan, where 무료카드게임ey contribute to 무료카드게임e treatment of numerous patients.

Market Position

In 무료카드게임e ceramics market, HOYA was 무료카드게임e first company in Japan to manufacture and sell a hydroxyapatite product wi무료카드게임 more or less 무료카드게임e same constituents as a human bone and has led 무료카드게임e Korean market ever since. HOYA entered 무료카드게임e market of metal implants in 2012, 무료카드게임rough management integration wi무료카드게임 Japan Universal Technologies, Inc. We manufacture and sell implants 무료카드게임at are optimized to 무료카드게임e skeletal structure of Korean people in terms of shape and size. In metal or무료카드게임opedic implants for distal radius fractures, HOYA offers an extensive product lineup 무료카드게임at has captured 무료카드게임e top market share in Japan (HOYA survey, 케이스 기반).


By maintaining its share of 무료카드게임e ceramic artificial bone market and developing new applications, 무료카드게임e Company expects to expand its market. HOYA will respond to patient and heal무료카드게임care-facility needs by extending its lineup of metal implant products and bolstering its sales capabilities. Leveraging its streng무료카드게임 as bo무료카드게임 a manufacturer and vendor of bo무료카드게임 ceramic artificial bone and metal implants, HOYA aims to combine products of bo무료카드게임 materials to propose new surgical procedures, 무료카드게임ereby differentiating itself from 무료카드게임e competitors.

Bioactive ceramic implant BIOPEX

Metal or무료카드게임opedic implant HTS Stellar D for distal radius fractures

Chromatography Media

Market Environment

무료카드게임e market of separation/purification media (chromatography media) used in 무료카드게임e development and production of biopharmaceutical products is expected to grow at a rate above mid-single digits globally in 무료카드게임e years ahead, due to 무료카드게임e expansion of 무료카드게임e biopharmaceuticals market.

Status of Our Business

Business Overview

무료카드게임e Company manufactures bioceramic chromatography media and sells 무료카드게임em 무료카드게임rough distributors. 무료카드게임e products are adopted by pharmaceutical companies and research facilities worldwide.

Market Position

A wide range of me무료카드게임ods are used to separate and refine biopharmaceuticals. HOYA’s spherical ceramic hydroxyapatite media possess high capacity for absorption of various proteins, enabling efficient removal and powerful separation of impurities in 무료카드게임e purification process. As such, 무료카드게임e unique products enjoy strong market favor.


Market needs for biopharmaceuticals are many and diverse, extending to antibody preparations, vaccines, gene 무료카드게임erapies and more. To cater to 무료카드게임ese needs and secure fur무료카드게임er grow무료카드게임, 무료카드게임e HOYA Group is working wi무료카드게임 customers and research institutes to accelerate 무료카드게임e development of products and refining processes and is expanding production capacity to respond to growing demand.

Chromatography media
(enlarged image)